My Favorite Supplement

My Favorite Supplement

Hi Friends,

For those of you who have worked with me in clinic, you have likely heard me talk about Restore.  It is the top supplement I recommend.  It's the first place I start when someone is dealing with digestive issues, autoimmunity, inflammation, autism, or just wanting to feel better.

Restore works on sealing and strengthening the tight junctions of the digestive tract, which can get compromised by stress, diet, medications, environmental toxins, etc.  When the tight junctions of the gut lining are compromised, things are able to pass into the bloodstream that should not normally be there.  The body responds to this by creating inflammation, having immune reactions, and so forth.

There has been some great research done on Restore's efficacy in helping those with gluten intolerance, which you can read about here.  And another great article on Restore's effect on intestinal permeability here.

As always, we have it here in clinic if you want to avoid shipping costs, but you can also order online .  Feel free to email if you have any questions.

Kelly Stock