Pilates & Diastasis Recti

mother and baby holding hands

Pilates & Diastasis Recti

One of the most common issues I work with in postpartum women, is diastasis recti.

This is when there is a separation of the linea alba, which is the connective tissue joining the two sides of rectus abdominus (the outer most layer of the abdominals). This separation occurs due to the stretching of the abdominal wall and hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.

As increases in relaxin occur through pregnancy, collagen becomes more pliable and ligaments become more flexible. This is also why we want to be careful to not overstretch and work on supporting the stability of joints through the trimesters.

Although, typically the separation of line alba will occur in the later stage of pregnancy, it can actually occur as early as the end of the first trimester.

When beginning to exercise and do Pilates with diastasis recti, we want to be working in a neutral pelvis and spinal position - taking out flexion, extension, and rotation. We want to be focusing on transverse abdominis - the deepest layer of the abdominals, which helps in stabilization of the whole lumbo-pelvic area.

Open kinetic chain movements (think both legs elevated and unsupported for example) should be avoided, as well as overhead movements with high load resistance.

If looking for individualized support, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Love, Kelly

Pilates & East Asian Medicine (Acupuncture, cupping, herbal medicine, and more): serving the East Bay, Lamorinda : Orinda, Lafayette, Moraga and Walnut Creek.

Kelly Stock